Wind Cave National Park: Bison Sunrise By Kenneth Crane, Joel Anderson, 2021
Wind Cave National Park: Bison Sunrise
Wind Cave National Park is unique in that it offers visitors a chance to experience a region of South Dakota both above and below ground. Above ground, the park preserves the nation’s largest remaining natural grass prairie and a protected herd of buffalo. Below ground is Wind Cave itself, one of the longest caves in the world. Anderson Design Group created this poster to add to the ADG Store's “American National Parks” series. Our style of the early, WPA-commissioned artwork of the early-20th century seeks to honor these parks, many of which were created around that time. Order this vintage travel art as a keepsake from your trip, or modify your own poster in a variety of sizes and formats as a gift for a loved one. To get more information about the park and conservation efforts taken there, check out the Game Warden group.