Mars: Melas Chasma By Aaron Johnson, Joel Anderson, 2021
Mars: Melas Chasma
Wow, now this is truly a grand canyon! Melas Chasma is the widest segment of the Valles Marineris canyon system, located on the planet Mars. It cuts through layered deposits that are thought to be sediments from an old lake that resulted from runoff of the valley networks to the west. Other theories include windblown sediment deposits and volcanic ash. Although not chosen as one of the finalists, it was one of eight potential landing sites for the Mars 2020 rover, a mission with a focus on astrobiology. Fashioned after the vintage poster art and retro illustrations of the mid-20th century, this art is perfect for decorating kids rooms, man caves, and mod pads. Without a doubt, this original design and colorful vintage illustration is totally Out Of This World! This retro-styled interstellar illustration will look great as an art print, notecard, postcard, metal sign, canvas, or mini canvas. To learn more about space travel and what the next big space adventure plans are, check out the official website for NASA.