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Brown V. Board Of Education Historical Park By Derek Anderson, Joel Anderson, 2024
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Our new Premium Gallery Wrap Canvas is made-to-order by Circle Graphics. It features a patented design with solid-front construction for a longer-lasting canvas and no sagging. Expert custom craftsmanship produces perfect corners with a crisp, clean canvas edge. Printed on high-quality canvas material, this frameless wall decor option looks gorgeous with any of our classic designs printed on it. It comes ready to hang with a protective backing that includes pre-installed hanging hardware. All you need is a hammer and a nail!
Not all of the sites managed by the National Park Service are wilderness places. Some are meant to preserve places where critical moments in U.S. history occurred, like at Brown Vs. Board Of Education Historical Park. Established in Topeka, Kansas on October 26, 1992, the park commemorates the landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Brown v. Board of Education that was aimed at ending racial segregation in public schools. Monroe Elementary School, now the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site, was one of the four segregated schools for African Americans in Topeka, Kansas. The school is an ideal place to remember this landmark decision and to learn about African American struggles for equality. Deeply inspired by the site and its historic significance for all Americans and in an effort to celebrate the paths less traveled in national recreation areas (these places receive far fewer visitors than National Parks), Anderson Design Group poster artists hand-rendered an original illustration in the fashion of vintage poster art and travel art. This retro design and original National Park art is available as a poster, print, canvas, mini canvas, metal sign, notecard, or postcard. To learn more about this and many other sites preserved and protected by the National Park Service, check out the dedicated webpage for the National Park System.
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