2024 Cicada Invasion Map By Derek Anderson, Joel Anderson, 2024
2024 Cicada Invasion Map
What better way to celebrate an iconic event like the 2024 Cicada Invasion than with a map that depicts where and when the creatures invaded? Cicadas are born into the grooves of tree bark, they grow into adolescence, fall out of the trees, burrow into the ground, live in tunnels for YEARS, and then, when they finally hit breeding age, they climb to the surface, fly around, make a lot of noise, mate a lot, and then die after 3-5 weeks of singing, dancing, molting, and partying! Cicadas live for years, but we only see them for the three weeks that they fly around above ground looking for a mate. Available as a vintage poster, retro-styled art print, canvas, mini canvas, postcard, notecard, or metal sign, this original art design will be a real conversation piece, because it will show that you survived the swarm! To learn more about these one-hit wonder insects that love making their brief presence known, check out the website for Cicada Mania.