Legends Of The National Parks: Congaree's Bigfoot Junior By Aaron Johnson, Joel Anderson, 2024
Legends Of The National Parks: Congaree's Bigfoot Junior
With officially recorded sightings of the creature now numbering in the thousands (and with these sightings occurring all across the country in almost every state), there is no doubt that Bigfoot is the most famous legend associated with America's national parks. Bigfoot is said to stand anywhere from 6ft to 9ft tall, to be almost completely covered in brown and black fur, and is believed to resemble something akin to an ape-like human. But he’s not alone! Some witnesses have said they've seen entire Bigfoot families, including Bigfoot Jr., in Congaree National Park. Inspired by these old legends and myths (some of which date back to the dawn of civilization), Anderson Design Group poster artists hand-rendered a vintage-styled poster of the mysterious Bigfoot Jr., an original illustration and retro design crafted in a fashion that’s reminiscent of the golden age of poster art, vintage art, Art Deco, and classic travel illustrations. This iconic monster design is available as a poster print (framed or unframed), canvas, metal sign, mini-canvas, or as a notecard or postcard, including with multiple size options available for prints, canvases, mini-canvases, and metal signs. And to learn more about this creature and so many others, check out this authoritative resource of spooky creatures and legends, Cryptids Fandom.