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Mythical Creatures: Mermaid (Canada) | Anderson Design Group

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Mythical Creatures: Mermaid (Canada) By Aaron Johnson, Joel Anderson, 2022

© 2025 Anderson Design Group, Inc. All rights reserved. It is a Federal Copyright offense to reproduce this image without permission.

The mermaid myth has pervaded numerous cultures for centuries. The creature is said to be an ocean-dwelling humanoid with the head and upper body of a human woman and the tail of a fish. While sailors have told stories of mermaids in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas, some believe the sprawling coastline and cool waters of the North Pacific around Vancouver Island may be the best place to see a mermaid in the modern day. Case in point, some of the most recent mermaid sightings have occurred near the cities of Victoria and Vancouver in the Salish Sea, the Haro Strait, and the Strait of Georgia. Such sightings began in 1870, with the most recent occurring in 1967. (Most parts of the world haven’t reported mermaid sightings for centuries). Excited by these relatively recent sightings, Anderson Design Group poster artists hand-rendered a vintage-styled poster of what we think the mermaids of Vancouver Island might have looked like. This classic monster design and vintage poster art is available as a poster print, canvas, metal sign, mini-canvas, or as a notecard or postcard. You can find stories of mermaids in almost every corner of the world, dating back to the 6th century BC. To learn more about the history and stories of the Mermaid, check out the website for the Royal Museums Greenwich.

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