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ADG Launches Legends of the National Parks Postcard Set! – Anderson Design Group

ADG Launches Legends of the National Parks Postcard Set!

ADG Launches Legends of the National Parks Postcard Set!

The artists of Anderson Design Group have spent years documenting the wilderness and wonder of America’s National Parks. During our adventures in the parks, we’ve run across bizarre legends of mythical creatures reported to have inhabited many of the parks. We began collecting creepy accounts of strange creatures like Bigfoot, the Jackalope, the Wendigo, and even visitors from outer space! We collected tall tales of unexplainable events, ancient myths, and stories passed down by Indigenous Peoples, colonial settlers, and park visitors over the last two centuries. 

After years of hearing these stories, we decided to create art from them. We set out to interpret the creatures featured in these legends, to render images of fantastic beings using historical reference, Indigenous stories, and some artistic license. 

It Began with the Legends of the National Parks Poster Art Collection

Our adventure to render art of every legendary creature we’ve heard stories of led to us create Legends of the National Parks, a poster art collection with over 40 original illustrations of mythical creatures, monsters, ghosts, beings, cryptids, and other legendary spooks that come alive in our art.

Many of the legends we've come across and created art of are based on Native American folklore. To the best of our abilities, we’ve indicated which tribes were associated with each story, carefully respecting the sacred traditions of Indigenous beliefs.

Art from the Legends of the National Parks Collection is available as art prints, canvases, metal signs, mini canvases, postcards, and notecards. 

But we didn't stop there! After receiving several requests for National Park postcards with legendary beasts and mythical creatures, we rendered the Legends of the National Parks illustrations into postcard format to release a collector’s postcard set!

New Release: Legends Of The National Parks 38-piece Postcard Set!

The NEW Legends of the National Parks 38-Piece Postcard Set features creepy mysteries, monsters, and myths, all famous Legends of the National Parks!

Featuring the fantasy art created by Anderson Design Group's award-winning artists, this collector's postcard set is perfect for every National Park lover or cryptid fan. These colorful cards are printed on gallery-grade paper and feature informative text about the history behind each legendary creature on the backside of the card. Individual postcards measure 4.25" x 6".

This postcard set is a great way to correspond with friends and family, particularly fellow cryptid fans and National Park enthusiasts! Order a set for yourself, send one to a friend, and let the pen pal fun begin!

Wanderlust Wall, Anyone?

A popular use of postcards is to decorate with them! Particularly for living areas with limited wall space, National Park postcard art can be a quirky and unique way to record on your wall which parks you've been to and which you have yet to venture into.

Only this question remains: Will you see any of the mythical creatures and legendary beings that are said to inhabit the parks? Best to keep your eyes open and your mind alert, just in case!

Speaking of keeping a lookout for the creatures said to roam the National Parks; we also recommend our Legends of the National Parks Guide Book, an essential guide with information, facts, historical data, footprint renderings, habitats, and other crucial data about each legend.

Enjoy the postcards, and here's to catching a glimpse of a Legend of the National Parks!

-Ren Brabenec
Anderson Design Group Staff Writer

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