ADG Visits Missouri... Via Poster Art!

ADG Visits Missouri... Via Poster Art!

In March 2023, ADG founder Joel Anderson got an email from Aaron Fuhrman, a photographer who works for the Missouri Division Of Tourism. Aaron and his team were interested in commissioning a poster series of travel art that would celebrate the beauty, culture, and history of the Show-Me State.

Aaron and his team were already fans of Anderson Design Group's vintage poster art and American travel art, and they hoped the ADG team could illustrate a series of posters that would tell a compelling story about all the reasons people should visit the great state of Missouri.

Joel agreed with enthusiasm! To start, Aaron invited Team ADG to access a treasure trove of gorgeous photos so ADG's award winning poster artists and illustrators could make a list of 20 sites in Missouri that would translate well in ADG's classic poster art and retro art style. Then the team got to work crafting beautiful original renditions of Missouri state parks, natural wonders, iconic cities, and beloved cultural sites. Creating original art of Missouri took about eight months to complete, and the resulting body of work definitely makes one want to Visit Missouri!

An Interview with Aaron Fuhrman

After ADG's artists put the finishing touches on the last poster art of Missouri, the team sat down for a quick interview with Aaron.

ADG: Tell us about yourself and your job with the Missouri Division of Tourism. 

Aaron: I am first and foremost a family man with an amazing wife and four wonderful children. I have been the staff photographer for the Missouri Division of Tourism for seven years. My work with MDT combines my love of traveling and passion for photography. I enjoy telling stories with photography and encouraging others to visit Missouri and discover all there is to experience in the Show-Me State.

ADG: How did you hear about Anderson Design Group?

Aaron: In 2015 my family and I were visiting Rocky Mountain National Park. My second oldest daughter, Emily, found a beautifully illustrated book in the gift shop and insisted we purchase it. The book was ADG’s book about the National Parks and contained illustrations from each park which only served to further feed our desire to visit more parks as a family.

ADG: What drew your attention to our work?

Aaron: ADG’s work captures the nostalgia of visiting beloved locations while telling a story which draws viewers in with the promise of a similar experience should they too visit the location depicted.

ADG: How did the idea for a 20 poster collaboration come about?

Aaron: It was born out of a smaller idea to illustrate one location for a standalone project. After a few short discussions we decided this project could be much broader and we made a list of locations across Missouri we wanted to showcase.

ADG: What was your experience like working with team ADG?

Aaron: ADG listened to our thoughts early on. They gave us clear direction on how best to proceed and often times provided exactly what we were looking for with little, and sometimes no, revisions.

ADG: How did you choose the 20 destinations and themes that ended up in this poster series?

Aaron: This was the most difficult part of the entire project! Deciding on 20 illustrations only touches on all Missouri has to offer visitors who enjoy rich history, exciting sports, immersive cultural experiences, and outstanding outdoors and natural beauty.

ADG: Which designs in the Missouri travel art series are your favorites?

Aaron: I can honestly say I don’t have a single favorite. It was exciting to watch the collection come together as a whole. As someone who enjoys the outdoors I lean towards The Ozarks or maybe Elephant Rocks State Park or possibly The Great Outdoors illustration of Missouri.

ADG: Besides the MO posters, what are some of your favorite ADG designs?

Aaron: Most anything from the National Parks art collection. Particular favorites would be linked to family trips. Grand Teton National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Yosemite National Park, Zion National Park and on and on. I think it's great to have Missouri locations immortalized next to so many other beautiful locations.

ADG: What do you love most about your home state of Missouri?

Aaron: I love the outdoors. So much of The Ozarks are in Missouri and in those beautiful rolling hills are many gems such as natural springs, crystal clear rivers, historic communities, and wonderful people.

ADG: Anything else you'd like to say?

Aaron: We'd just like to thank you guys! We appreciate ADG’s talent in capturing Missouri in this amazing collection.

ADG: Thanks for reaching out to us about it! We had a blast making original Missouri art!

American Travel Art

The 20-poster collection of Missouri art has been added to Anderson Design Group's American Travel Collection. ADG’s collection of American travel art and poster art is the studio’s largest art collection yet, with 559 original illustrations and counting!

In 2010, ADG began creating travel posters of beloved American cities and iconic destinations illustrated in the style of the Golden Age of Poster Art (early to mid-20th Century). Since then, ADG’s award-winning poster artists and illustrators have created hundreds of designs celebrating the history and charm of America's most beloved cities, natural wonders, and destinations. Vintage poster art enthusiasts can peruse this collection for a rendition that catches their eye, whether it's an original illustration of Missouri or another U.S. state.

We hope the new collection of Missouri travel art inspires you to hit the highway for a good ole' fashioned American road trip!

-Ren Brabenec
Anderson Design Group Staff Writer

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