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Anderson Design Group Launches 2020 Tornado Relief Posters to Raise Mo – Anderson Design Group

Anderson Design Group Launches 2020 Tornado Relief Posters to Raise Money for Nashville Tornado Victims

Anderson Design Group Launches 2020 Tornado Relief Posters to Raise Money for Nashville Tornado Victims

We woke up on the morning of March 3rd. We turned on the news, and we were horrified at what we saw. Multiple storms had passed through Middle Tennessee and Nashville, powerful tornadoes that destroyed entire neighborhoods, huge buildings, churches, airports, parks, roads, power lines, gas lines, sewer systems, etc.

Damage in downtown Nashville, TN | Photo by Beth Metcalf, WSU Student

See news report about Nashville...

See news report about Tennessee...

The news said this was the most destructive series of tornado storms to hit Nashville since 2011. And we believed it. We immediately called friends and family to be sure everyone was okay.

After that, we started thinking about what we could do to help. We immediately set up a donation campaign to help raise money for the Nashville tornado victims.

We're raising money by creating and selling artwork that is dedicated to the victims of the storm. And what's the theme of the 2020 Tornado Relief posters? That Nashville is strong. That Nashville is dauntless. And that we believe in Nashville.


Vintage Poster Art Dedicated to Tornado Relief

The morning after the storm, Joel Anderson immediately got to work designing poster art to show the strength and solidarity of Nashville and of Tennessee.

The 2020 Tornado Relief series features eight poster designs. Some of these designs are brand new; others are posters we've repurposed to help raise money for the tornado victims.

One of the new designs was sketched by Joel the morning after the storm. The design centers a broken guitar among a pile of ruins. The guitar seems to rise above the rubble, and though the neck of the guitar is shattered, new growth is already sprouting from the broken instrument. 

After Joel sketched the design, Anderson Design Group staff artist Aaron Johnson rendered the sketch with details and colors. The finished piece is a powerful, emotive design that shows flowers springing to life from the debris. The vintage-style poster symbolizes the hope, grit, integrity, and solidarity of Nashville and Middle Tennessee residents.

This design, created the day after the storm, is available in a Nashville version and a Tennessee version.

Team ADG had this to say about the recent storm:

"We are heartbroken at the devastation and ask that you please donate, help out, pray for, and think of our neighbors in Germantown, East Nashville, Donelson, Mt. Juliet, Lebanon, and Cookeville. We are so proud to be citizens of the Volunteer State and to live and work in a community that lifts each other up. We will stand alongside one another to get through this disaster like we've done so many times before. We love you, Middle Tennessee!"

The Organizations We're Raising Money For

We are donating 50% of our profits from the 2020 Tornado Relief posters to two relief organizations. One is the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, and the other is Hands on Nashville. Both of these organizations immediately pledged to help in the wake of the storm.

The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee has been committed to philanthropy across 40 Middle Tennessee counties since 1991, with over $1 billion in funds raised for these communities.

Hands on Nashville is local to the city of Nashville. This is the city's named partner for volunteer response. Funds raised by this group will help organize, supply, and support the 20,000 Nashville volunteers who are ready to mobilize and assist our neighbors during this time of need.

We'll continue to fund-raise for these organizations throughout March, and we encourage you to help us in this endeavor. Remember, thousands of Nashville residents are still without power. And the damage of the storm is already estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

We have a lot of work to do to help our community recover from this disaster.

The 2020 Nashville Tornado - We'll Get Through This

Even as we speak, our print shop is producing more vintage designs and art concepts for poster art to encourage the recovery and community support. 

For weeks and month to come, storm victims will be in our hearts and on our minds. We hope you'll help us raise money for those who need our support.

This is what Tennessee and Nashville are all about. We are strongest when we stand together as a community. We'll never stop taking care of each other. We'll never stop caring for our neighbors.

Reach out to us and let us know how else we can help.

In solidarity,

-Ren Brabenec

Anderson Design Group Writing Staff



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